People have adapted to the severe cold of the northern climates by their skils to make warm clothing from fur, as well as various other materials. The color, design and the decoration of their clothing show their belief in a spiritual world.
yCLOTHINGz @Clothing for the North @Gutskin Parka @Fishskin Parka @Cedarbark Parka @Clothing and Women
@Clothing for the North
@Gutskin Parka
@Fishskin Parka
@Cedarbark Parka
@Clothing and Women
–kŠC“¹—§–k•û–¯‘°”Ž•¨ŠÙ@§093-0042@–kŠC“¹–Ô‘–ŽsŽš’ªŒ©309-1@“d˜b0152-45-3888@FAX0152-45-3889 Hokkaido Museum of Northern Peoples @@309-1 Shiomi, Abashiri, Hokkaido 093-0042 JAPAN@FAX+81-152-45-3889