Two different but typical dwellings have been used. One is a semisubterranian house which is termal insulating sod-covered. The other one is a tent which is convenient for their mobile life.
yDwellingz @Dwelling Type @Semisubterranian House of Inuit (Eskimo) @Fire @Container
@Dwelling Type
@Semisubterranian House of Inuit (Eskimo)
–kŠC“¹—§–k•û–¯‘°”Ž•¨ŠÙ@§093-0042@–kŠC“¹–Ô‘–ŽsŽš’ªŒ©309-1@“d˜b0152-45-3888@FAX0152-45-3889 Hokkaido Museum of Northern Peoples @@309-1 Shiomi, Abashiri, Hokkaido 093-0042 JAPAN@FAX+81-152-45-3889