Greeting from the author
I decided to begin a project of this Baidarka reconstruction in the new moon, because I believe, that Aleut of the ancient time lived as according with waxing and waning of the moon.
Building baidarka is, I believe, work to create surviving art. And also it is work to embody a wish and a hope, while making form of other creature a hint.
The person who watched a flying bird in the sky wanted to flap and fry like them, he/she might brought about art to fry.
Aleutian people watched sea-otter and seal, whales who passed away in the sea, and they created the art to go on the sea.
I think that reconstruction of baidarka is incorporating hearts and memories of ancient Aleut. We can not arrive at really important things if we were fascinated?by only the form and the appearance of them.
While paying huge respect to wisdom and history of Aleut, let’s begin the reconstruction of baidarka.

2006年11月21日 材を選ぶ
Choice of wood
A framework of baidarka is made by assembling wood staves.
Always I take long time to choose right materials. Conifers such as spruce, cypress, yellow cedar will be the best materials.
To choose right lumbers, you have to take long time. Look and search from many angles, touch them, and shake them, choose matching thing of a curve and a property.
At first, I chose materials of the most important part. These are the long wood which lengthens aft from the bow, such as gunwales and stringers.
The lumbers (photo above) were sawed up from a spruce log which were cut down in the Alaska southern part, diameter 1m length 6m, and perhaps more than 400 years old.
It took 3 years to obtain such high quality wood! I needed several huge spruce trees. It is always difficult to get right materials. Especially to get wood more than 5m in length.
These spruce wood were laid about 10years in my craft shop, and took long time to dry slowly.

With lumber sawed up from one same tree, character is delicately different by each other. I will explain why we should put materials of the same property together at later chapter.
A tree which must have watched a lot of history. He might have been watching pack of baidarkas with Aleutian hunters passing along the coast line. I give a sacred liquor to praise his soul and show gratitude. Because, he becomes most important part of a baidarka, which will carry a human life and a soul.
2006年12月11日 バイダルカのデータより数値を読み、断面図、型枠を起こす
今回の趣旨は、過去にアリュートが作ったバイダルカを、できるだけ忠実に復元することだ。参考としたのは、Daivid W. Zimmerly著QAYAQに紹介されている1,934年にアトカ島で採取されたバイダルカのサイズの数値データーだ。このデーターは、バイダルカをCTスキャンしたような、バウ・前からスターン・後ろに所定の位置を決め、その位置の輪切り断面の数値だ。方眼紙を準備し、デッキビームセンター及びそのトップ、キールラインセンター及びそのアンダーの位置を写し線を引く。これがバイダルカの幅の中心線であり、デッキからキールまでの深さとなる。

I examined data of baidarka from books and documents.
Builders of expert indigenous people make a canoe and a kayak based on a sense and experience. They do not use a drawing and rulers.
When I explain it to be concrete, at first a builder has to think about whether baidarka of what kind of performance will be suitable for a future paddler. And he/she realize the image and perform real building. Baidarka building is not a plastic-made scale model nor standardized goods such as an industrial product. Therefore, I can say that building a baidarka will be complicated work to demand all the ability of a builder.
A total image is important, not a part. So along a total image, you have to carry out a partial activity. Success of work is about whether you can always maintain this image in your mind.
The purpose of this project is reconstruction the baidarka which Aleut builder/paddler made in the past as possible precisely. I take dates into account from a book “QAJAQ” written by David W. Zimmerly. In this book, he introduced data of a baidarka which was gathered in Atka Island in 1934.
I omit the details, but any way based on these data, I took graph paper of shape of department (bow, stern, keel line, gunwale line, etc). These lines show the line of skin which was pitched on a framework.
I draw an one-first scale illustration of cut-off aspect of a framework, then I copied the line to plywood. And these become section form of a baidarka’s framework.
3 photos show process of the work. Right photo shows section forms.

12月15日 リブフレームの加工

Processing of rib frame
Yellow cedar or Japanese cypress tree will be the rib section of Baidarka. Two things are important.
1: Use materials before dry, I mean, while a tree is raw.
2: Break a tree along a grain of wood by using knife or wedge. Never use sawed up billet for rib frame.
A stave for rib frame is finished to a diameter of 1cm and 80cm in length finally. Rib frames are arranged like a human “Ribs”.
Baidarka carries more than 100kg with ballast and loads including a paddler on the sea..
On the rough sea, a frame of baidarka moves like a creature frame flexibly. The framework will be broken if you do not use right materials! If baidarka is broken on the sea, life of a paddler is broken, too.
Therefore I introduce the work procedure. This method seems that Aleutian kayak builder used to use.
Choose the materials which a grain goes straight. And put a hatchet edge on center of the stave’s section . Then knock on a back of a hatchet with a wooden hammer, put a crack in the section. Put a finger in a crack and tear a wood along a grain. Repeat this process and make about 100 square lumber of 1.5cm corner.
This square lumber has to be finish to round of a diameter 1cm with the knife which a blade bent. This special knife is called “crooked knife” or “Indian knife”.
An advantage of this method is that I can have a right material which a grain went natural for rib frame, And above all, that I do not need so many tools. I think that to survive in severe natural environment, a lot of “skill” full of wisdom and consideration is indispensability. Not tools.
Next I introduce work to use Japanese hand tools mainly. This technique may accord more in the present age.
Go to a lumber dealer and look for some lumber which has honest grain and free of knots. The lumber which you have to get is called in Japanese, “shihoumasa” or “nihoumasa”. “Shihoumasa”, you can see straight grains every 4 square of the lumber. “Nihoumasa”, you see them just at a side and the other side. I can say that you are lucky if you get those lumbers. Because those are extremely few parts which you can remove from one fine log.
Then saw up the fine lumber, make 100 square lumber 1.2cm corner, 80cm in length. You have to finish them to a diameter 1cm round with a plane ( straight blade, and inward bent blade. These are Japanese craftman’s traditional hand tools which are called “hiraganna” and “uchimaru gannna”).
Now you have gotten 100 rib lumber get ready. Then dip them into water and keep.
I transcribe dimension in metric system to make it plain. But traditionally, we have to decide size of baidarka with size of physical parts. Because, we have to build baidarka in conformity to a body of a paddler.