2月7日 ガンネル材の加工 その2 Processing of gunwale 2
The measurement length of gunwale and position of deck beams. A deck beam is, a lumber to carry between two gunwales. And the bidarka that we are going to build this time has seven beams. By explanation in here, I call it the 1st beam from the bow side, 7th beam to the stern side.
The baidarka in this project, about 510cm full length, and length of a gunwale become about 448cm by the data which I introduced before. From a gunwale strake of 6m in length, I choose and make cut an appropriate part to 448cm in length. It is easy, but it is work with some strain.
Size of baidarka is decided with a build of a future paddler. The photographs 1-4 bellow show a method to measure length of a gunwale. That means, adversely, we can know a figure of Aleutian paddler from his bidarka. I can suppose that this Aleutian paddler who lived in Atka island around 1934, was about 165cm tall.


1. ガンネルバウ側から、右手のひらを広げ、中指先端から親指を曲げたところへ、左手中指先端から肘までを添える。左肘は1番ビームのくる位置にもあたる。
1: From the tip of gunwale bow, the length between right hand middle finger tip and thumb root + left hand middle finger tip to an elbow. This is the position of 1st beam.
2. 両腕は肩の高さで広げ、両手中指先端から先端まで。左手中指先端が4番ビーム・サイブレスの位置にもあたる。
2: From the position of 1st beam, open both arms, and scale the length between both middle finger tips. This is the position of 4th. The function of it is, a thigh brace.
3. 右手のひらを広げ、中指先端から親指先端、左手中指先端から肘までを添える。これが、コックピットサイズとなり、左肘は5番ビーム・バックレストの位置にもあたる。
3: From the position of 4th, scale the length between middle finger tip and thumb tip of opened right hand + middle finger tip to an elbow of left arm. This is the size of a cockpit, and the position of 5th beam. It becomes a back rest.
4. 両腕は肩の高さで広げ、両手中指先端から先端まで。
4: From the position of 5th, again open both arms, scale the length between both hand’s middle finger tips. |
5,6. 柱などに背中をあて、長座しバイダルカに乗る姿勢になる。足はほとんど伸ばしたまま、わずかに膝を外に開き、軽く膝を持ち上げる。既製のカヤックに乗るフォームとは違う。柱からつま先までが5番ビームから3番ビームの位置となる。
5,6: Put a back on pillars, take baidarka riding position. Special attention is necessary, because it is little different from riding position of other modern sea-kayak. In other words, you must straighten out both legs, and bend and lift your knees a little when you ride a baidarka. Distance from a pillar to tiptoe becomes length from 5th beam to 3rd beam.
7. ガンネルスターン側に左肘を置き中指先端まで、右手のひらを開き、親指先端から中指先端までを添える。右手中指先端が7番ビームの位置にあたる。
7: From the tip of gunwale stern side, scale the length between middle finger tip and thumb tip of opened right hand + middle finger tip to an elbow of left arms. If you put your left elbow on the gunwale stern tip like photo, your right middle finger tip shows the position of 7th, rearmost deck beam.
At every position, you do not need “scale” the length actually, always your finger tips show them.
8. 2本のガンネルがずれないようにクランプなどで固定する。
8: Fix both gunwales with clamps, to avoid slipping off.
9. 直角定規を使い正確にそれぞれの位置を写す。くれぐれも左右正確に! ずれると歪んだバイダルカになる。
9: Here, you should use a right angle ruler. You must write lines of positions symmetry. You do not want to build a crooked craft do ya!
A method of the measurement that I introduced here conforms only in this baidarka. There is some other type of baidarka, so you can see a various methods.
Special attention will be necessary for a position of a cockpit. Because character of kayak change depending on it. The wind blow from the diagonal rear always makes big problem for the course maintenance of kayak paddling. By that wind, a kayak deviates from a right course and try to go to windward or the lee. This irritating phenomenon is called a “weather cocking”.
If a position of a cockpit changes, degree of “weather cock” will be change. Baidarka has big capacity ( go out with ballast) but, for example, a capacity ofGreenlandic Kayak is extremely small, and a position of a cockpit becomes much closely.
It is possible to maintain the balance of right-left of a kayak with ability of a paddler, but the balance of bow-stern direction depends on ability of a builder. I will tell more detail in chapters of processing of deck beam and rib frame.
In various traditional kayak of North district, it is certain that baidarka of Aleut is the most delicate and precise craft, I think.
Experienced five senses and hand are indispensability to a builder.
2月18日 ガンネル材の加工 その3 Processing gunwale 3
Based on a drawing ( see the chapter of 11th Dec), open holes diameter 2~3mm to station boards in position of gunwales, stringers, and keel (photo1).
Then install the station board on an appointed position of gunwales (photo2).
At this stage, gunwale streaks are twisted in three directions. First, it makes an outside curve for the vertical center (photo3).



写真1. このバイダルカの全幅はデーターでは52cmだが、多くの来館者に試乗して頂くことも目的とするので、全幅54cmとして型枠を作った。横幅が広くなると、カヤックの左右の安定感は増す。
Originally, the width of this Baidarka was 52cm according to the document.
But I decided to make the width 54cm by the purpose that many visitor can try and ride this. The width of Kayak deeply relates to left-right direction balance and stability.
写真2. 2本のガンネルをロープなどで縛り、型枠を収める。ガンネルが捩じれたり、ずれたりしないように注意する。
Tying two gunwale planks and install the station boards. |
写真3. 縦方向の中心線に対し、必ず2本のガンネルが均等に同じラインになるようにする。
These two gunwale streaks must make equal curve for the vertical center. |
Next, you see the slight upward bend on the front and rear tip of gunwales (photo4). And upside of gunwales bent slightly outside for the vertical center (photo5).
All bend and curve of wood parts must make symmetrically angles.
If you made wrong choice for wood materials, your Baidarka will end up as warped one. And he will be out control easily on the water!
At next chapter, we progress to the assemble part of Baidarka’s deck. Every angle of cross section will be very important for the next mortise-tenon process.
This using station board method is not common to me. I simply use some measure wood and my own body parts to decide the angle and the length.
For example, I decide the width of the widest part of Baidarka with my waist and both fists (photo6).


写真4. 僅かだが、前後が上に反っている。どの程度反らすかは、材によりけりとなる。
The front and aft slightly bent upward. This angle depends on what material of wood you use.
写真5. 垂線に対し、ガンネル上部は11度外に開いている。カヤックの前後が上に反るほど、この開き角度は大きくなる。
Upside of gunwales open outward about 11 degrees. This angle relates to the bend of gunwales. |
写真6. |

2月23日 ビームの加工 その1 Processing the deck beam 1
Cutting out the beam from cypress, cross grain wood blank(photo1). 4cm thick and the width is gunwale-width plus 3cm, the height is 7~11cm.
Put these square woods in appointed positions on gunwales (photo2).
Then write the cross section angles to beam wood (photo4.5).
Scaling the true width of the beam
Write the position of the mortise hole on gunwale (photo6), scale (photo7), and write them to the beam wood (photo8)
Writing the true scale of the beam.
Write vertical line on front and rear side of the beam wood (photo9). And scale and write the position of upside and downside of the beam (photo10). Scale the center of the beam. Write the angle of cross section, then the true scale of the beam appears on the wood (photo14).



写真1. 長さ約2m、幅約25cmの1枚の檜材から、7本のビーム材を切り出す。
Length 200cm width 25cm cypress cross grain plank. Seven deck beams will all come from this one plank.
写真2. ガンネルの所定の場所に正確に置くこと。
Put beam woods in appointed position correctly |
写真3. ビームの木目を良くご覧頂きたい。このように木取りしないとビームは折れる。
See the grain of wood. Only cross grain wood will be right. If not, they will be broken by power of the ocean. |
写真4. ガンネル上部が外へ開いている角度をビース材に写す。
Writing the angles of cross section on the beam wood. |
写真5. ガンネル前後が湾曲している角度をビーム材下に写す。
Writing the curve of gunwale on the beam wood. |
写真6. ガンネルに掘るホゾ穴の位置に基準を設ける。
The position of mortise hole on gunwale. |
写真7. 2本のガンネルの内寸幅を計る。
Scaling the inside width of gunwale. |
写真8. そのまま、ビーム材の所定の位置に写す。
And write it on the beam wood. |
写真9. 僕はこの線を基準とし、ビーム実寸を描く。
I always use this line as a threshold for scaling the true-scale of the beam. |
写真10. ビームの立ち上がり位置はそれぞれ違う。カヤックのサイズにもよるし、キールにどのような湾曲を持たせるかにもよる。
This cross section( down side of the beam) will be little hard to decide.
It just depend on what size of kayak you’ll build. |
写真11. この横線がビームを正面から見たときの厚みとなる。
This vertical line will be the thickness of the beam. |
写真12. 角度は正確に移すように。前述したが、この角度によりガンネル前後のラインが決まる。
The angle of cross section will be important. You must write this correctly on the beam wood. |
写真13、14. 線引きをして描き上がった、ビーム。前面と後面では、ガンネルの湾曲角度が影響するので、ビームの実寸は微妙に違う。
Now we see the true-scale of the beam. |
I am not showing any detailed numerical value here.
I think that kayak building is more like carving than any modern ship building and carpenter work. On the other hand, I feel that this fact always makes this work much complicated.
Does this kind of work remind you improvisation play of Jazz or Blues ?
Or classical “RAKUGO・・・traditional Japanese oral lirerature “?
How we can play and enjoy our freedom of life in the rules of music, orin the strict rules of natural environment ?
So for me, building Baidarka is always art of life.
It is not only chasing the numerical value or the notes, we must feel the stream of wood grain, sharpness of our hand tools and instruments. That’s how we can do session with something and someone.
And that’s how Aleutian people lived together with power of the ocean, I think.

2月28日 ビームの加工 その2
Processing deck beam2
ビーム材から挽き出されたビーム(右)。 ノコ挽きする事により、まだ使える材が取れる。
At the beginning of this stage, I introduce the method which Aleutian builder must have taken.Using hatchet or small hand axe, cut wood plank by chopping and make a demanded form. I often dream to do this work with ancient obsidian tool someday !
Next, these are pretty modern way. Just use saw. In Japan, there used to be a lot of kind of saw, depending on the purpose. Basically you should use the saw which fitted a purpose (photo3,4,5,6). By using saw, you can make minimum waste of wood.



写真1. 部材に適した木目取りをした材は、鉈1本で簡単に形が出せる。
If you could work along the grain of wood correctly, forming the wood with a hatchet will be easy. |
写真2. 途中の段階だが、このように少しずつ形を作り、最後はナイフなどで仕上げる。
Roughly cut by a hatchet, then finish by a knife. |
写真3. 僕は、ホゾ挽きや胴付きノコを好む。
My favorite saws ( modern Japanese saw ? Even in a small town we can bye these kind of saw at DIY shop in Japan). The blade is changeable. |
写真4. 上は畔挽きノコ、下は廻し引きノコ。
These two are more traditional.They used to be used by shipbuilder and carpenter, but in nowadays only carpenters who work for Buddhist temple or Shinto shrine may use them. |
写真5. 畔挽きノコで、ビーム下部を挽き降ろす。
The way of using a traditional saw 1. |
写真6. 挽き目が貫通したところで、廻し引きノコを使う。
The way of using traditional saw 2. |
There is many way to make a deck beam. Simplest way is just using electric-saw to cut wood.
But for building an ancient style craft like Baidarka, using electric-move-tool is not suitable. Can’t we build a kayak without electricity and sophisticated modern tool ? I don’t think so.
We are living in this comfortable civilization, but on the other hands, we are wasting our precious time and wisdom, and our freedom. If you really want to build a Baidarka, you will be noticed that these time and wisdom and freedom are indispensable, sooner or later.
And it may show you the possibility or worthiness of living outside of 21cetury standard’s civilization. The most precious answer will may be found, in our abandoned past.