2007年3月5日 ビームの加工 その3
Processing deck beam 3
The beam wood which cut out by saw or hatchet must be finish by using a knife or a chisel (photo1). Next , bury the buffer material which works between the deck beam and the deck stringer (photo2).
Originally bone of animals is ideal material, but I use a small piece of old bamboo (photo3,4).
Finishing tenon work by using saw (photo5), and make holes on both (left and right) tip of the beam to lash up with gunwale, then deck beams are ready to assemble (photo6).



写真1. ビームの裏面を仕上げているところだが、ひたすら根気よく!
Finishing the downside of the beam with a chisel and disciplined patience. |
写真2. このあたりの構造が、バイダルカの特質の一つだ。
This figure of the deck beam shows well a character of Baidarka. |
写真3. 古竹の厚みを整える。
Working for a buffer material bamboo by using chisel. |
写真4. 彫刻刀などを使い、緩衝材を埋め込む凹みを作る。
By using a curving knife, making a hollow on upside of beam to bury a buffer bamboo. |
写真5. 胴付きノコでホゾを切る。
Tenon work by using a saw. |
写真6. 穴の回りはささくれなど無いように仕上げる。雑な仕上げをすると糸が切れる。
Clear finishing will be required. Rough wood work will cut strings for lashing. |
I work with hand tools gently and quietly.
Especially saw working. When I work just by extra force, it groans just like talk to me modestly “hey, you are going wrong way !”. You have to pull ( in Japan, a saw is always pull, never push) a saw just by the weight of their blade.
I used to use a nice hand-forged traditional saw. But I gave up! Because I was tired to look for a good saw-set craft man every time I spoil the edge of my saw.
We need a delicate tool to work delicately. For the development of tool, division working of well-trained craft man is necessary.
I wonder how Aleutian builder was working with their delicate craft.
写真1. この材は長さ約85cm、幅30cm、厚み4cm。
Since the working have to be done along grain
of wood, you need to get a big enough material
with some margin.
2007年3月10日 バウ・スターンエンドピースの加工 その1
Processing of bow / stern end piece
Here, we go into the process of bow and stern end piece which assemble with two gunwale tips. Cutting out pieces from cypress plank (cross grain, photo1), and put them on the both tip of gunwales( photo2,3). Again , it is important to work along grain of wood.
Then saw the piece to fit to gunwales( photo4,5). I made a small gap on purpose in order to adjust a small torsion of gunwales( photo6).
Then some more saw work, and correct form of pieces appears( photo7). Shaping the down side of the piece to make a ideal hollow( photo8,9). Then saw them half and make holes for lashing.



写真2. バウエンドピース材。木目を良くご覧頂きたい。
A plank for bow end piece. See the grain of wood. |
写真3. スターンエンドピース材。
A plank for stern end piece. |
写真4. 胴付きノコで慎重に丁寧にゆっくり挽く。
Working with a saw gently again. |
写真5. サイズは約長さ12cm、幅21cm・23cm、厚み3cm。
Approximate size of a stern piece is, length 12cm, width 21~23cm, 3cm thick. |
写真6. サイズは写真1.のキャプションを参照。
Size of a bow piece. Length 9cm, width 14~16cm, 3cm thickness. |
写真7. 廻し挽きノコを使った。
Now you see correct form of pieces. |
写真8、9 四方反り鉋を使った。
Shaping down side of a piece.A round bend plane is a perfect tool for this. |
写真10. 胴付きノコで挽き、細かい細工は彫刻刀を使った。
Finishing by using a saw, and curving knife . |
アラスカ・ネイティブ・へリテージ・センター発行のQAYAQS & CANOESと言う書籍がある。カヤック職人Gregor Welptonが紹介されている。
If I could handle a saw perfectly, I can through my planes away !
But it is not easy !
I always take a delicate balance between concentration and relaxation when I use a saw. Sometime I can handle myself ,but ・・・・・・.
A traditional kayak builder Gregor Welpton is being introduced in a book titled “ QAYAQS and CANOESAlaskan native heritage center publication”
In 1993, I’d had precious 1 month lecture of northern traditional kayak building from him. Lecture? I mean, I was just watching him working silently.
During our session, we made some conversation.
“How can I build a kayak, how can I be a traditional kayak builder, Mr. Welpton ?”
“ Just take listen to what wood talk to you !
Those words will soak deep into your soul.
And some day, a kayak will be borne from your hands.”
“So how about Baidarka ?”
“Love your partner happily, enjoy meal and get full, sleep tight, and when you get refreshingly wake-up in a morning, it is the time to work for a Baidarka.”

2007年3月12日 バウ・スターンエンドピースの加工 その2 Processing bow and stern end piece 2
Making some small piece which fit the buffer.
Hard wood as oak is suitable( photo1). Size of each piece is, 1cm thick, width 2cm, height 1cm( photo2). Before cutting out pieces from a plank , digging the hollow to fit the buffer material has to be done first( photo3).
Cutting a piece of bone, the buffer material( photo4). Using a file for trimming( photo5), and fitting to the hollow of a oak piece(photo6).
Digging the hollow by a chisel, in bow and stern pieces in order to fit these buffer parts( photo7,8). And tie the both side of pieces( photo9).
Both side of pieces are perfectly fitting( photo10), and they move!( photo11)
This construction which resembles animal’s junction work characterizes Baidarka, a fruits of Aleut’s skill and wisdom.



写真1. 白樫は重く堅い。山から運び出した時の事を思いだすと、額に汗がにじむ。
White oak is heavy and hard. I remember a day I hump a white oak log down the mountain. Such a sweaty job! |
写真2. くどいようだが、数値は参考までに。
I showed some numerical value above, but you must not insist on it. |
写真3. ノミをこねると刃先は欠ける。
Don’t knead the edge of a chisel ! This high-carbon blade is very delicate. |
写真4. ある程度の大きさに割り、鉄切りノコで整える。
I am trimming a bone piece by an iron-cutting saw. |
写真5. 骨を削る匂いは、僕らの一般的な日常には無い。
Anyone loves this smell ? Just imagine. |
写真6. それぞれのサイズが分かるよう、定規を添えている。
A ruler is showing size of each parts. |
写真7.8. エンドピースに受け部と緩衝材を収めたところ。
This is how a buffer part fit in an end piece. |
写真9. 鉗子などを使い、糸が緩まないように結ぶ。
Tying with some essential item’s help. A glove, and a medical clip.
写真10.11. 早く、簡単。電動工具に頼っていてはこのようには作れない。
Quick and neat work without using any power tool. |
So many scholar and builder tells about a distinguishing bow shape of Baidarka. There seem to be a lot of opinion or speculation about that.
I will tell the detail of construction of bow later. But I am always wondering
if we could reach the truth just by words which be said, be written ?
I ask a Baidarka himself how I should work. Because I believe that he is a fruits of Aleutian knowledge and wisdom. Aleutian tribes did not leave anyliteral relics ?Wait a minute ! Why can’t we take listen to a Baidarka himself begins to tell a story ?
Of course, a Baidarka is not only a fruits of human history and activity. It is also a fruits of animal’s life and harsh environment of north.
So Baidarka building is a long trip to go back deep into memories of our own DNA.

2007年3月15日 糸や紐の話
Talkin’ about strings and lines for lashing
We assemble flames and parts by lashing instead of using iron nails or screws.
So strings or lines will be very important materials for building a Baidarka. Some for lashing the flame work, and some for stretching and sewing the skin coverings.
I think about what material had been used by Aleutian builder.
Natural fiber which comes from land mammals and sea mammals. And shredded leathers were possible materials.
Fiber material which made of sinew must have been most common material in the history of many hunting culture. Photo 1 shows a chank of caribou sinew. It is broken up, and yarned, then be a perfect fiber for sewing or lashing. Since it contains some oil naturally, and it expands when absorb some water inside. So ancient kayak builders were happy using this sinew strings in order to make their seam water tight.
Only one disadvantage is that you can’t make a long string with it.
I use oil coated nylon string( photo2) for lashing flame work.
And waxed lamin string or the artificial sinew( photo3, it is made of nylon)for sewing the skin covering.
I have tested many kind of strings and lines. I have found out that flexible and non-slipping strings is suitable for building Baidarka.



写真1. 上、肉からはぎ取り乾燥させた筋。中、ほぐされた筋。下、ヒゲ鯨のヒゲ。
Above, caribou sinew.Center, caribou sinew after being shredded.Below, baleen.
写真2. 用途に合わせ、糸の太さ、撚りの具合を使い分けている。
I change the strings to suit the purpose. |
写真3. 左がラミン糸。右がナイロンの筋
Left, waxed lamin strings. Right, artificial sinew( made of nylon fiber). |
わずか100mも歩けば、集落の外へ出てしまう、人口100人のデーリングでの事だ。彼女が家族のために仕立てた伝統的な衣類は、丁寧に、本当に細かい縫い目だった。 彼女(Agnes Hailstone)の作品は博物館などで見る事ができる。
I brought back some caribou sinew from my trip to Alaska. It came from a Inupiaq family who living in a small village Dealing, coast of the gulf Cotsbue. The family is living by very traditional manner, but for a reason of the education for kids, they have to live in a town of Dealing.
I asked to their mother which she prefer to live, a town or a traditional camp in tundra.
“So many people in town, and we can’t make living without money in here.
We can live in tundra quietly. Nature gives us all. Food, medicines, clothes・・・. That’s why I love living in tundra.” Even in this population 100, 100yard length broad way small town.
A mother, Agnes Hailstone makes traditional costume for her family. I saw her working closely, and amazed her careful, slow work.
You can see her work at museums in Alaska.

2007年3月27日 ガンネルとビーム、その他の組上げ その1
Assembling gunwales and beams 1
Once two gunwales have been assembled with station-boards and belts. But now you get ready to make holes on a down side of gunwales for fixing rib flames( photo1). An interval of each hole is about the width of your palm( photo2). And it is important to make holes just under each deck beam.
Then cutting mortises on gunwales( photo3).
Even if you were an experienced carpenter, never put a mortise to a tenon tightly. It will be a cause to make a serious crack on gunwales. But even if it would be your first Baidarka building, don’t put them too loose. Because this cross section has to “move” depending on the sea condition.



写真1. 直径8mm、深さ1cmの穴を44個開けた。
I drilled 44 holes on gunwales. A diameter 8mm, a depth 10mm.
mortise of gunwale and a tenon of deck beam must set not too tight, not too loose. But gunwale and a deck beam must set without any gap.
写真2. 数値で言うと約10cm前後。
An interval is about 10cm. The width of my palm. |
写真3. 今回はノミを使ったが、古いアリュートの人々はドリルとナイフでホゾ穴を切った。
Cutting a mortise for a deck beam tenon. I used a hummer and a chisel, but Aleutian builder must have used a hand-drill and a small knife. |
写真4. ガンネルの中央部からビームを収めてゆく。
Setting deck beams. Do this starting from center of a deck to fore and rear. |
写真5. ホゾには多少遊びがあるが、ガンネルとビームはピタリと合わせる。
As I wrote above, a mortise of gunwale and a tenon of deck beam must set not too tight, not too loose. But gunwale and a deck beam must set without any gap. |
I am introducing a method which ancient Aleutian builder used, and method which using common Japanese hand tools in this document.
In this electric age, what is the advantage to choose these slow and bone-itching way ?
You can get a quick work with a power plane or a sanding paper.
While you can get your desired form fast, you kill natural breathing of wood material. And you may paint some chemical resin on it, you kill it more!
If you could shape a wood with well- sharpened knife, it is not easy to make a smooth surface, but a wood can breath any how.
A tree breathes, even after it has been cut down.
I think that an Aleutian, and old Japanese methods are showing the way to make use of tree’s life maximum. So during the Baidarka building, you will learn that step by step.
A Baidarka building itself is not a difficult work at all. You just need to be patient and careful about your working.
But. You have to be damn-good at sharpening tools’ edges. Aren’t you a good sharpener ? You will need more experience and time.
Ancient Aleutian used obsidian tools. It required to work just along the grain of the edge and the object. It required to have just right senses of using hands and eyes.
Why Baidarka has disappeared ? We are chasing efficiency of life. Time is money, and more money !
That how we are loosing our precious time and patience, as if we are wanting to be a sheepy slave of a globalized economy and a modern technology.
Is it possible to have enough time to be experienced like an old Japanese craft man or a worrier, or a Aleutian Baidarka builder in this speedy, competitive world ? That’s the question.
To be a good sharpener. You have to take care of the condition of a whetstone surface. A most important element for ideal sharpening, is water. You have to get pure, and well-sharpened water.